7 May, 2012
Indonesian HBA fall again in May'2012
Indonesian HBA fall again to lowest level since January 2011 in May 2012. The monthly coal reference price for coal sales in May fell 3.30%, the lowest dropped in last 17 Months.
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia sets the coal’s spot price for May 2012 at US$ 102.12 per ton, US$ 3.49 lower than April 2012 Price.
This coal benchmark price was calculated based on calorific value of 6,322 kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the April 2012 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index) 25%, Platts-1 25%, NEX (Newcastle Export Index) 25%, and GC (globalCoal Index) 25%.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8% (arb), Ash Content 15 % (arb) and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 May 2012.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA & HPB) since January 2009 to be used by coal producers for all spot and term contracts. However the full implementation of HBA has started only since September 2011.
The May 2012 HBA was 13.17% or $15.49 lower on Y-o-Y basis.
The price was only valid for the spot price (loading before 31 May 2012), while as for term price (up to 12 months supplies), the average reference price (HPB) of the previous 3 months will be used to determine the selling price. (50% of latest available month HPB, 30% of one month prior HPB and 20% of two months prior HPB).
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are acted as the benchmark and used to calculate other 61 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies have revised to comply with new coal pricing regulation, which was fully implemented on 23 September 2011.
The Indonesian government is also expecting to introduce a coal export duty for coal in near future. According to officials, the proposal is in discussion among the high level officers to determine the percentage of duty. There will be two different types of duty could be introduced such as lower duty for higher calorific value coal and higher duty for unprocessed lower calorific value.
The government also has recently introduced export duty for unprocessed minerals but coal was missing in the recent regulation. Indonesian coal producers were asked to add value for their product such as washing, crashing, blending and upgrading to have a higher-value product prior to eye on the export market and avoid proposed export ban.
In coming months Indonesian coal industry can see number of new regulations.
Courtsey sourced www.coalspot.com
6 April, 2012
Indonesian HBA fall to lowest level since January 2011 this month. The monthly coal reference price for coal sales in April fall by 6.43 percent, the lowest dropped in last 16 Months.
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia sets the coal’s spot price benchmark for April 2012 at US$ 105.61 per ton, US$ 7.26 lower than March 2012 Price.
This coal benchmark price was calculated coal with calorific value of 6,322 kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the March 2012 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8% (arb), Ash Content 15 % (arb) and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 30 April 2012.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA & HPB) since January 2009 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. However the full implementation of HBA has started only since September last year.
The price was only valid for the spot price, while as for term price, the average reference price (HPB) of the previous 3 months. (50% of latest available month HPB, 30% of one month prior HPB and 20% of two months prior HPB).
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are acted as the benchmark and used to calculate other 62 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies have revised to comply with new coal pricing regulation, which was fully implemented on 23 September 2011.
Indonesian government also drafting a regulation to ban coal with calorific value below 5700 kcal/kg on air basis for the export market by 12 January 2014 dried (according to the draft regulation posted on djmbp website). Indonesian coal producers were asked to add value for their product such as washing, crashing, blending and upgrading to have a higher-value product prior to eye on the export market.
Raw coal export will also be restricted once the regulation issued. The government has also issued a regulation (24/2012) which will limit foreign ownership in mines to 49 percent within 10 years of production.
Indonesia also planning to impose a 25 percent export tax on coal and base metals this year, and 50 percent in 2013.
However, we expect this export tax may not be introduced immediately due to the majority of coal production or exports (70 - 80 percent of Indonesian total coal production or export) are coming from CCoW holders. Under CCoW agreement which was signed between the coal mine contractors and government was not allowing any new duties or taxes on CCoW holders.
Hence government has to convert CCoW to IUP prior to introduce any new taxes or duties, if government want to enjoy benefits from all the coal exports from Indonesia. However, IUP holders are subject to any new taxes or duties. Hence we expect government will focus first to convert the CCoW to IUP rather than introducing any new taxes or duties.
The basis for renegotiation is Law No. 4 /2009 on mining, which has changed the mining-concession regime by introducing a new licensing system (IUP). The law replaces mining authorizations (Kuasa Pertambangan or KP) as well as contracts of work (CoWs) and contracts of coal mining work (CCoW or PKP2B).
According to government officials, number of or majority of CCoW holders are willing to convert CCoW to IUP but the discussions are still on the way. The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia wants to complete all the conversion by end of this year.
In coming months Indonesian coal industry can see a number of new regulations.
Thu, 08 March, 2012
Indonesia Coal Benchmark Price gains for second month
Indonesia raised the monthly coal reference price for sales in March by 1.15 percent, the second increase since February.
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia sets the coal’s spot price benchmark for March 2012 at US$ 112.87 per ton, US$ 1.29 higher than February 2012 Price.
This coal benchmark price was calculated coal with calorific value of 6,322kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the February 2012 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8% (arb), Ash Content 15 % (arb) and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 March 2012.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA & HPB) since January 2009 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts.
The March HBA was 7.80 percent lower Y-o-Y.
The price was only valid for the spot price, while as for term price, the average reference price (HPB) of the previous 3 months. (50% of latest available month HPB, 30% of one month prior HPB and 20% of two months prior HPB)
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are acted as the benchmark and used to calculate other 62 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies have revised to comply with new coal pricing regulation, which was fully implemented on 23 September 2011.
Indonesian government also drafting a regulation to ban coal with calorific value below 5700 kcal/kg on air dried (according to the draft regulation posted on djmbp website) basis for the export market by 12 January 2014. Indonesian coal producers were asked to add value for their product such as washing, crashing, blending and upgrading to have a higher-value product prior to eye on the export market.
Raw coal export will also be restricted once the regulation issued. The government has also issued a regulation (24/2012) which will limit foreign ownership in mines to 49 percent within 10 years of production.
In coming months Indonesian coal industry will see a number of new regulations.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
(sourced Coalspot.com)
Indonesian Coal Price Reference(HBA), Benchmark Price-Monthly Coal Price for Febuary' 2012, US$ 111.58 per ton
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : Feb'2011 US$ 111.58 M.T.Assessment
Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update : Febuary,2012
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesia has raised the monthly benchmark price for sales in February by for the first time since October.
The Directorate General of Coal and Minerals at the ministry in Jakarta said today in a statement on its website announced that the cost of coal with a gross energy value of 6,322 kilo calories per kilogram was set at USD 111.58 a tonne on FOB basis, up by 2% from USD 109.29 a ton in January,
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Wed, 04 January, 2012
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : Jan'2011 US$ 109.29 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update : Wed, 04 January,2012
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia has sets the January 2012 coal reference price at US$ 109.29 per ton or US$ 3.38 lower than December 2011 price. The December HBA was sets at US$ 112.67 per mt.
January's HBA is the lowest since January 2011 and 2.99% percent lower than December HBA. January HBA has fallen for the third consecutive month to US$109.29/t, from US$119.24/t in October 2011.
The HBA is the minimum price used for the calculation of taxes for producers pay for all future exports and domestic coal sales. It is calculated using a basket of indices, including the price is a monthly average of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index and the globalCOAL Index from the previous month.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur (arb) 0.80%, Ash Content (arb) 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel supply between 1 – 31 January 2012.
Eight brands of Indonesian coal which are most commonly traded in the market. The price marker is used to calculate other coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers. For spot sales of 11-month or below 11-month supplies, will use coal price reference from the month of loading or B/L date.
For term contracts, the average of coal price reference for the last three months (from the month of price conclusion) is used to set coal prices for a one-year contract. Supplies are limited to a maximum of 12 months.
For sales in the barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : Dec'2011 US$ 112.67 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update : Mon, 05 December,2011
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesian Coal Reference Price (HBA) for December 2011 benchmark dropped 3.4% to US$112.67 per ton FOB Vessel, the second lowest price in recent 12-months period.
The number dropped 3.4% from November 2011 price, and fell 11% from its peak at US$127.05 per ton in February 2011.
The latest price resulted in Indonesian averaged coal price for 2011 at US$118.40 per ton.
Coal reference is based on coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, total moisture (arb) 8%, total sulphur 0.8%, ash content 15%, and delivery FOB Vessel.
Thermal coal spot prices in Newcastle Port, Australia---benchmark for Asian market, dropped for the eighth consecutive week to US$111.29 per ton on December 2nd. According to NEWCIndex of globalCOAL, thermal coal slipped from US$111.98 to US$111.29 per ton (calorific value of 6,400 Kcal/Kg) for the week ended December 2nd.
DES ARA Index, benchmark for West Europe, also slipped to US$111.6 per ton from US$112.18 in the previous week, while RB Index---which tracks coal prices in Richard Bay Port, South Africa, a benchmark for South Asian and European market, gained slightly to US$102.81 per ton (from US$101.72 per ton).
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Indonesian Coal Price Reference fell again
Friday, 11 November, 2011
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia has set the November 2011 Indonesian Coal Reference Price for thermal coal at US$ 116.65 per ton, which is 2.17percent lesser than October 2011 price.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts.
The November HBA is 22.13 percent higher compared to the same month in 2010.
Coal reference price (HBA), the price has calculated based on a monthly average (previous month) of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index (NEX) and the New Castle Global Coal Index (GC) from the previous month.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 30 November 2011.
Any deliver of cargo after 30 November, must be used the particular month's HPB unless the deliveries fall under term contract.
The November HBA is a marginal drop of US$ 2.59 per ton or down 2.17 percent compared with October 2011 Coal reference price. Government has taken around 10 days to release this month HBA.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are act as benchmark and used to calculate other 53coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and the ministerial decree no.17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Tuesday, 04 October, 2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT): Oct'2011 US$ 119.24 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update : Tue, 04 October,2011
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesia raised the monthly reference price for sales in October by 2.56 percent, the first increase since June.
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia sets the coal spot price benchmark for October 2011 at US$ 119.24 per ton, US$ 2.56 higher than September 2011 Price.
This coal benchmark price was calculated coal with calorie of 6,322kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the June 2011 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8% (arb), Ash Content 15 % (arb) and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 October 2011.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA & HPB) since January 2009 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The June HBA was 28.65 percent higher Y-o-Y.
The price was only valid for the spot price, while as for term price, the average reference price (HPB) of the previous 3 months. (50% of last month HPB, 30% of a month earlier HPB and 20% of two-month earlier HPB) for coal contract at least 12 months.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are acted as the benchmark and used to calculate other 54 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in the barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies have revised to comply with new coal pricing regulation, which was fully implemented on 23 September 2011.
As a result of the Indonesian new pricing formula, price of Indonesian coal will go up by $30 a tone and lead to a INR 0.70 (Approx. US$ 0.015) per unit increase in cost of electricity generation, as quoted by an Indian paper.
Indonesian government also drafting a regulation to ban coal with calorific value below 5700 kcal/kg on air dried basis for the export market by 12 January 2014. Indonesian coal producers were asked to add value for their product such as washing, crashing, blending and upgrading to have a higher-value product prior to eye on the export market.
Raw coal export will also be restricted.
On Thursday, finance minister of Indonesia sets coal as one of 15 products – along with carbonated soft drinks; electric cigarettes; dyes, monosodium glutamate; and diamonds – that should be levied. Indonesia’s excise law says the government can impose excise, or a specific tax, on goods that have negative impact to humans or the environment, as reported by Jakarta Globe on 2 October 2011.
In coming years Indonesian coal industry will see a number of new regulations and restriction related to coal price and export.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last Update : Tue, 04 October,2011
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesia raised the monthly reference price for sales in October by 2.56 percent, the first increase since June.
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Indonesia sets the coal spot price benchmark for October 2011 at US$ 119.24 per ton, US$ 2.56 higher than September 2011 Price.
This coal benchmark price was calculated coal with calorie of 6,322kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the June 2011 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8% (arb), Ash Content 15 % (arb) and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 October 2011.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA & HPB) since January 2009 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The June HBA was 28.65 percent higher Y-o-Y.
The price was only valid for the spot price, while as for term price, the average reference price (HPB) of the previous 3 months. (50% of last month HPB, 30% of a month earlier HPB and 20% of two-month earlier HPB) for coal contract at least 12 months.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are acted as the benchmark and used to calculate other 54 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in the barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies have revised to comply with new coal pricing regulation, which was fully implemented on 23 September 2011.
As a result of the Indonesian new pricing formula, price of Indonesian coal will go up by $30 a tone and lead to a INR 0.70 (Approx. US$ 0.015) per unit increase in cost of electricity generation, as quoted by an Indian paper.
Indonesian government also drafting a regulation to ban coal with calorific value below 5700 kcal/kg on air dried basis for the export market by 12 January 2014. Indonesian coal producers were asked to add value for their product such as washing, crashing, blending and upgrading to have a higher-value product prior to eye on the export market.
Raw coal export will also be restricted.
On Thursday, finance minister of Indonesia sets coal as one of 15 products – along with carbonated soft drinks; electric cigarettes; dyes, monosodium glutamate; and diamonds – that should be levied. Indonesia’s excise law says the government can impose excise, or a specific tax, on goods that have negative impact to humans or the environment, as reported by Jakarta Globe on 2 October 2011.
In coming years Indonesian coal industry will see a number of new regulations and restriction related to coal price and export.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Indonesian Coal Price Reference(HBA), Benchmark Price-Monthly Coal Price for August'2011, US$ 117.21 per ton, which is 0.87 percent less than July'2011 price.
Thu,August4, 2011
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia has set the August 2011 coal reference price at US$ 117.21 per ton slightly lower than July or 0.87 percent lesser than July 2011 price.
The Indonesian coal reference price, also known as the HBA, for August has fallen for the third consecutive month to US$117.21/t, from US$118.24/t in July.
The HBA has continued to fall since June. The HBA is the minimum price used for the calculation of taxes for producers pay for all future exports and domestic coal sales. It is calculated using a basket of indices, including the price is a monthly average of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index and the globalCOAL Index from the previous month.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.80%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel supply between 1 – 31 August 2011.
Eight brands of Indonesian coal which are most commonly traded in the market. The price marker is used to calculate other coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers. For spot sales of 11-month or below 11-month supplies, will use coal price reference from the month of loading or B/L date.
For term contracts, the average of coal price reference for the last three months (from the month of price conclusion) is used to set coal prices for a one-year contract. Supplies are limited to a maxium of 12 months.
For sales in the barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Monday,04 July2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT):July'2011 US$ 118.24 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update :Mon,04 July,2011
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources sets coal spot price benchmark for July 2011 at US$ 118.24 per ton, less than US$ 0.79 per ton in June 2011.
This coal benchmark was calculated coal with calorie of 6,322kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the May 2011 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 July 2011.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The June HBA was 22.43 percent higher Y-o-Y.
The price is only valid for spot price, while as for term price, the benchmark is using the average of recent 3 months benchmark prices and valid for coal contract at least 12 months.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are act as benchmark and used to calculate other 54 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Monday,13 June2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference(HBA), Benchmark Price-Monthly Coal Price for June'2011, US$ 119.03 per ton, which is 1.2 percent higher than May'2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : June 2011 US$ 119.03 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update :Mon, June13, 2011
Source:DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources sets coal spot price benchmark for June 2011 at US$ 119.03 per ton, higher than US$ 1.42 per ton in May 2011.
This coal benchmark was calculated coal with calorie of 6,322kcal/kg (GAR), stated to be using formula based on the May 2011 index average of ICI-1 (Indonesia Coal Index), Platts-1, NEX (Newcastle Export Index), and GC (globalCoal Index).
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 30 June 2011.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The June HBA was 22.43 percent higher Y-o-Y.
The price is only valid for spot price, while as for term price, the benchmark is using the average of recent 3 months benchmark prices and valid for coal contract at least 12 months.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are act as benchmark and used to calculate other 54 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers. According to industry, all existing coal supply agreements with Indonesian coal mining companies will have to be revised to comply with new coal pricing regulations before September 23, 2011.
As a result of the Indonesian new pricing formula, price of Indonesian coal will go up by $30 a tonne and lead to a INR 0.70 (Approx. US$ 0.015) per unit increase in cost of electricity generation, as quoted by an Indian paper.
Indonesian coal prices are also gaining on a shortage of coal in China to meet summer demand, said a coal trader from Kalimantan. Chinese local media reported that, Beijing may cut the 17 percent value-added tax and port charges on imported coal to encourage more overseas purchases. China is now facing its worst summer power shortage in seven years, as quoted by Chinese as well as International medias.
Indian high energy demand also has influenced the coal prices in recent weeks says another coal trader from Jakarta.
Click here for complete details of Indonesian coal reference prices since Feb 2010.(cs)
Monday, 09 May 2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference(HBA), Benchmark Price-Monthly Coal Price for May2011, US$ 117.61 per ton, which is 3.61 percent lesser than April 2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : May 2011 US$ 117.61 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,
Last Update :Mon, May09, 2011
Source : DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia has set the May 2011 Indonesian Coal Reference Price for thermal coal at US$ 117.61 per ton, which was 3.61 percent lesser than April 2011 price of US$ 122.02.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The May HBA was 27.73 percent higher Y-o-Y.
Coal reference price (HBA), the price has calculated based on a monthly average (previous month) of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index (NEX) and the New Castle Global Coal Index (GC) from the previous month.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery between 1 - 31 May 2011.
Any deliver of cargo after 31 May, must be used June 2011 HPB unless the deliveries fall under term contract.
Director General Mineral and Coal have declared today coal reference price for May 2011. The declared HBA was at US$ 117.61 per ton FOB vessel a marginal drop of US$ 4.41 per ton or down 3.61 percent compared with April 2011 Coal reference price. Government has taken around nine days to release this month HBA.
The declared ICRP for this month was dropped by US$ 0.41 per mt and it was the third continues drop since March 2011.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are act as benchmark and used to calculate other 52 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transhipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers.
Monday, 18 April 11
Indonesian Coal Price Reference(HBA), Benchmark Price-Monthly Coal Price for April 2011, US$ 122.02 per ton, which is 0.33 percent lesser than March2011
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : April 2011 US$ 122.43 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,Last Update : Thu, Mar10, 2011
Source : DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia has set the April 2011 Indonesian Coal Reference Price for thermal coal at US$ 122.02 per ton, which was 0.33 percent lesser than March 2011 price of US$ 122.43.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The April HBA was 41.06 percent higher Y-o-Y.
Coal reference price (HBA), the price has calculated based on a monthly average (previous month) of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index (NEX) and the New Castle Global Coal Index (GC) from the previous month.
Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis and applicable for spot contract, delivery within 1 - 30 April 2011. Any deliver of cargo after 30 April, must be used May 2011 HPB unless the deliveries fall under term contract.
Director General Mineral and Coal have declared today coal reference price for April 2011. The declared HBA was at US$ 122.02 per ton FOB vessel a marginal drop of US$ 0.41 per ton or down 0.33 percent compared with March 2011 Coal reference price. Government has taken around eighteen days to release April HBA and also done some significant changes in formulas to determine coal prices for Indonesian coals.
March 2011 coal reference price was at US$ 122.43 per ton.
The declared ICRP for this month was dropped by US$ 0.41 per mt and it was the second continues drop since March 2011.
Government also declared reference price for eight brands of Indonesia's coal, which are most commonly traded in the market. Those eight brands are act as benchmark and used to calculate other 53 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For sales in the barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from the barge to the vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers.
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Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : March 2011 US$ 122.43 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,Last Update : Thu, Mar10, 2011
Source : DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has set the March 2011 Indonesian Coal Reference Price for thermal coal at US$ 122.43 per ton, which is 3.63 percent lesser than February 2011 price of US$ 127.05.
The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The March HBA was 41.30 percent higher Y-o-Y.
Coal reference price (HBA), the price has calculated based on a monthly average (previous month) of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index (NEX) and the New Castle Global Coal Index (GC) from the previous month. Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis spot contract. (supply within 12 months).
Director General Mineral and Coal have declared yesterday coal reference price for March 2011 and also Introduced two new coal brands. The declared HBA was at US$ 122.43 per ton FOB vessel drops by US$ 4.62 per ton or 3.63 percent compared with February 2011 Coal reference price.
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February 2011 coal reference price was at US$ 127.05 per ton.
The declared ICPR in this month is dropped by US$ 4.62 per mt and first dropped in last five months.
Government also declaring reference price for eight brands of Indonesia coal which are most commonly traded in the market. The price marker is used to calculate other 53 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For term sales of above one year, the average of coal reference price for the last three months is used to set coal prices for a one-year contract.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers.
Indonesian Coal Price Reference ( HBA) :(US$/MT) : February 2011 US$ 127.05 M.T.Assessment Basis : HBA, Quality, Delivery,Last Update : 07/02/2011 Source : DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia
Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has set the February 2011 Indonesian Coal Reference Price for thermal coal at US$ 127.05 per ton, which is 13.03 percent higher than January 2011 price of US$ 112.40. The government of Indonesia has been publishing a monthly coal reference price (HBA) since February 2010 to be used by coal producers for all future spot and term contracts. The February HBA was 44.68 percent higher compared with a year earlier.
Coal reference price (HBA), the price has calculated based on a monthly average (previous month) of the Indonesia Coal price Index (ICI-1), Platts-1, Newcastle Export Index (NEX) and the New Castle Global Coal Index (GC) from the previous month. Assessment basis of coal price reference was calculated considering coal with GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Total Sulphur 0.8%, Ash Content 15.00% and delivery free on Board (FOB) Vessel basis spot contract. (supply within 12 months).
Director General Mineral and Coal have declared today coal reference price for February 2011. The declared HBA was at US$ 127.05 per ton FOB vessel up by US$ 14.65 per ton or 13.03 percent compared with January 2011 Coal reference price.
January 2011 coal reference price was at US$ 112.40 per ton.
The declared ICPR in this month was the highest since the government starts to declare ICPR ( HBA) since February 2010. The lowest HBA was declared in April last year at US$ 86.50.
Government also declaring reference price for eight brands of Indonesia coal which are most commonly traded in the market. The price marker is used to calculate other 52 coal types with a quality similar to the coal price markers.
For term sales of above one year, the average of coal reference price for the last three months is used to set coal prices for a one-year contract.
For sales in barge, the reference price is reduced by barging and transshipment costs from barge to vessel.
The coal reference price, which has been established to fulfill the requirement of mining law 04/2009 and latest ministerial decree 17/2010 and also aims to increase government revenue from royalties from coal producers.
Declared by : The Directorate General of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal, Ministry of Enegy and Mineral Resources, Republic of IndonesiaAssessment Basis ( Coal Marker & Other Coal Brand) HBA : Monthly average of four international coal indices (ICI 1 - 25%, Platts 1 - 25%, New Castle Export Index - 25% and Newcastle globalCoal Index - 25%) Quality : GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Sulphur 0.80%, Ash Content 15.00% Delivery : Free on Board (FOB) Mother Vessel.For the spot price (coal contract or delivery below 1 year) the average index is 1 month earlier in which the coal selling price prevailing in one month is based on a monthly index price/coal price reference. For term price (definite term), reference price uses the average coal price reference in the past 3 months in order to determine the contract price 1 year ahead. The interval between the sale and purchase contract and delivery does not exceed 3 months.For FOB Barge, adjustment should be made (deduction of barging and transshipment costs from FOB Vessel to FOB Barge). Remark : Leeuniversal.blogspot.com makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy adequacy or completeness of the information and assumes no liability in connection with any party use of it. Information contained within the blog is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional counsel and should not be used as such. Blog will endeavor to update information where appropriate, but is under no obligation to do so. All third party users of this website and or data produced or published by the blog do so at their own risk. Read our Terms of Use Privacy Policy Disclaimer before use of this site. Source : DJMBP - ESDM, Indonesia Last Update : 07/02/2011
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