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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bellzone Mining starts iron ore production in Guinea

Sunday, 25 Mar 2012

Iron ore production and stockpiling at Bellzone Mining's Forécariah joint venture project in Guinea has begun following the maiden blast on the Yomboyeli Central ore body on March 22nd 2012.

The maiden blast consisted of 213 holes and it is anticipated that this will provide more than 30,000 tonnes of run of mine (ore for processing through the installed crushing and screening plants.

The maiden blast has provided a data set that can be analysed and the blasting process will be evaluated and refined on an ongoing basis to ensure production is maximised over time.

The initial tonnes will be used for wet commissioning of the crushing and screening plants and will be stockpiled as product at the mine site ahead of haulage to the port, pending the issue of the mining permit by the government of Guinea.

When the permit is received, the product will be trucked to the port and stockpiled in preparation for barge loading, which is anticipated to be by the end of April.

Production operations will be progressively ramped up to achieve the design capacity of 4 million tonne per annum over a six month period, with first shipment scheduled for early June 2012.

Source -

1 comment:

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