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Friday, June 10, 2011

Sherwin Iron upgrades Fe content at Roper River iron ore project

June09, 2011 15:11:43 (GMT+2)

On June 8, Autralia-based iron ore exploration and development company Sherwin Iron Limited (Sherwin Iron), which owns 100 percent of the 4,000 km2 Roper River iron ore project in Australia's Northern Territory, announced on June 8 the results of the detailed metallurgical development testwork undertaken at metallurgical testing consultants Nagrom, with the assistance of Australia-based engineering and project delivery firm Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) and based on the oolitic ironstone from the Roper River iron ore project.

The results of the test program indicated a higher concentrate yield of 65 percent can be achieved, compared with first-pass testwork yield of 55 percent. Test work confirms Roper River ore can be comfortably upgraded to a highly marketable product grading 60-62 percent Fe. Testing will now be expanded to ore from other sources at Roper River.

Sherwin Iron is an emerging iron ore company which has a current resource of 107 million mt from its initial exploration activities with an exploration target of 400-500 million mt of 40-48 percent Fe from two of its five tenement areas.(sourced steelorbis)

Tags: iron ore , Australia , raw mat , Oceania , mining

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